Monday, July 28, 2008


Look good to feel good…
It’s very important to have a positive each day try to spend some time on you.also, try to forget hurts and let go of hard feelings.

Nurture your passion…
Nurturing your passion is important. It brews happiness and spreads the cheer around, which in turn contributes to self development. If you have talent, take time out of it.

Live for yourself…
Spend some quiet time alone and learn to be independent . Being independent does not mean that you are alone, it’s just about being comfortable with yourself. Also value yourself;you will be surprised at what you are capable of doing.

Reach out…
Even if you’ve had a bad experience with your friend, it doesn’t make sense to shut off your humanity. Having a support system around you is very important. Nurture ahealthy social life but know whereto draw the line.

Find out your inner strength…
It’s only in a crisis that you realize your inner strength. Do whatever you need to dip into your inner reserves. Keep in mind that ‘this too will pass’ is not just a truism.

Live life king-size…
Of course everyone needs to save wisely but be equally serious about factoring in the right time. Remember, there’s no point in telling a child that he mustn’t have chocolates because his teeth will go bad – he will not want to have chocolates as an adult. Similarly, as an adult, there is no point in saving up for that grand world tour when you retire – at60 – plus you may not feel like haring around the world.

Learn to let go…
Nurture the art of let go. Often we fear we may lose the person or that we’r not doing our duty to the other person by giving the person his or her space. And to yourself by setting yourself free from the hassle.

Count your blessings…
It’s simple matter of learning to appreciate what you have. Put the negatives into perspective in the context of your whole life. And the chances are you’ll see how micro they are;even if they do impact your life forever, think of the concrete things you can do to better the situations and know that others may share the same or the worse situations and have handled them in a way that keeps them happy.

Chase your dreams…
As the saying goes, it’s never too late. If you have a dream nurtureit, visualize it and most important believe in it – it will come true.

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